Our Team Members

Erik joined the board in 2013. Like many others involved in Jen’s Friends, his family and friends have been touched by cancer. A life-long valley native and family friend of The Hill Family, Erik was thrilled to be able to lend a helping hand to a remarkable organization. When not operating his Property Management Company, he enjoys all that the valley has to offer including hiking and skiing with his two daughters. Email Erik

Vice President
Joann joined the board in January 2016. She has a B.S. in Management Advisory Services, and has worked for many years with software companies before becoming owner of Soyfire Candle Bath & Body. Originally from Lynn/Peabody MA, she came to NH for college and never left. She has resided in the valley since 1995. In the past few years, cancer has taken a number of her friends, which prompted her to want to be more involved in helping those who are currently dealing with this prognosis. She is an avid hockey player, skier and Crossfitter. Email Joann

Charlie joined the board in September 2011. He currently resides in Bartlett with his wife Maureen. He moved to New Hampshire in 1983 and worked at The Memorial Hospital as a Controller for over 28 years. Now semi-retired, he enjoys the many activities in the Mount Washington Valley, such as skiing, biking and golf. He previously served on the board of the local chapter of the American Red Cross and the Eastern Slope Ski Club as the treasurer. Email Charlie

Mary Anne joined the board in January 2013 after having volunteered at the Climb Against Cancer for several years. She grew up in northern New Hampshire and has made her home in the Valley since 1988. She has a Bachelor’s Degree in Management and a passion for problem-solving and helping people. She previously served on the board of the Mount Washington Valley Arts Association and enjoys volunteering at various events. Cancer has touched the lives of many of her family and friends, and she is grateful to have a way to help ease the burdens of patients and their families in their fight against cancer. Email Mary Anne

Ruth Ann, a board member since 1999, is a retired registered nurse directly involved with Jen's Friends' Disbursement Committee. Professionally, she was a Social Service Representative/Discharge Planner at Memorial Hospital in North Conway, NH. Her other volunteer activities included facilitating the Journey of Hope Cancer Support Group at Memorial Hospital and the Survivor of Suicide Loss Support Group at Vaughan Community Services. Inc. Ruth Ann and her husband, Bill, reside in Bartlett, NH. Email Ruthann
Wendy joined the Board in June 2008 and is committed to making a difference in people's lives! Wendy lives with her husband, Tom, and daughter, Meredith, in Center Conway and is a native of the Mt. Washington Valley. Wendy has a Bachelor's Degree in Management, is a Closing Coordinator for Badger Peabody & Smith Realty, and has worked in real estate for over 30 years. Wendy is a talented photographer and practices all types of photography locally and anywhere the road takes her. Email Wendy

Sara joined the Jen’s Friends board in 2016. Raised in Fryeburg Maine, she graduated from Granite State College with an English Degree and has worked in the insurance industry for over 15 years. Cancer has touched many of her loved ones, so Sara is excited to work with this incredible organization and do anything she can in the fight against cancer. You can usually find Sara out on the trails hiking, biking, or skiing with her friends and family or in the water on her paddleboard. Email Sara

Marta joined the board on in 2004. She is a Registered Nurse at Memorial Hospital. In her 23+ years at Memorial Hospital, Marta has worked in the Emergency Department and Clinical Coordinating. She is currently a Clinical Educator and enjoying her new role. Marta is an active board member focused on the Jen's Friends mission. She was drawn to the organization and loves it still today in part due to the fact it remains a 100% all-volunteer organization. Marta spearheads the annual golf tournament. She also serves on Jen's Friends' Disbursement Committee, working directly with the families we serve. Email Marta

Barbara joined the Board in 2014. She has lived in and loved the Valley since moving from Salem, MA in 1972. She worked in the hospitality industry in many facets: from 1977 until 1998 at the Christmas Farm Inn and from 1998 to 2013 at Citizens Bank. She has been a trustee for Jackson cemeteries for more than a dozen years and is also now the Assistant Treasurer for the town. She has always volunteered for community events, starting with the Volvo Tournament days to the present. When she retired from the bank, Barbara was ready to jump in to be an active year-round volunteer for something she really believed in. Jen’s Friends has filled her need to give back to the Valley that has been so very good to her. Volunteering with Jen’s Friends makes her heart and soul feel so good and working with such an amazing group of people is so very rewarding. Email Barbara

Kathy joined the Board in 2021. She moved to the Valley in 1986 for a winter of skiing and stayed for 16 years working as an registered nurse at Memorial Hospital. Kathy then moved to Boston for several years but returned to the Valley in early 2021 and is now semi-retired. As a member of the Jen's Friends' Disbursement Committee, Kathy is directly connected with the people Jen's Friends serves. Kathy is honored to work with Jen's Friends and to give back to the community. Email Kathy

Connie joined the board in the fall of 2019. She retired in January 2020 after 44 years of practicing as a registered nurse. Her last five years were spent at Memorial Hospital in the Infection Prevention Department. She lives in Bartlett with her husband Will and their two Labs, Humphrey and Sadie. They have two grown daughters who also live in Bartlett with their families. Connie enjoys hiking in the woods with her dogs, family vacations, and spending time with her four grandchildren. Connie is grateful for having this opportunity to work with such a wonderful organization that is able to do so much with the help of the community. Both Connie and her husband have lost friends and family members to cancer, and this is one way to give back and honor them. Email Connie

Mike has lived in the Mountain Washington Valley for almost 25 years. He had the privilege to serve on the Jen’s Friend’s Board from 2005 until 2008, and is excited to have joined again in 2024. With a prior career in the software industry, Mike enjoys spending time with his family, having fun outdoors, and serving on nonprofit boards that make a difference in the community.

Erin joined the board in January 2022. She has been active in the fight against cancer since childhood, when she regularly joined her grandmother as a volunteer for the American Cancer Society. Sadly, her grandmother later lost her battle with pancreatic cancer, and Erin is proud to honor and continue her grandmother's work by being a part of Jen's Friends. Erin currently works as the Chief Operating Officer for the Humane Society of the United States and previously spent 15 years as a consultant in the banking and insurance industries. She holds a BA in Politics and Economics from the University of Virginia and an MBA from Harvard Business School. Erin lives in Bartlett and enjoys hiking, skiing, and biking throughout the valley. Email Erin

Andrea joined the board in May of 2023. She has been a registered nurse since 1982 and a Valley resident since 1984. Andrea has worked in oncology departments in Boston and at Memorial Hospital, caring for patients and families dealing with cancer. It was a fulfilling 15 years of her nursing career. Andrea's feels fortunate and privileged to be on Jen's Friends' board and its Disbursement Committee, helping and supporting her community members and neighbors as they navigate a cancer diagnosis. Jen’s Friends has always had a special place in Andrea's heart as has the Valley's community, so she is thrilled to be a part of both. Email Andrea

Kim joined the board in September 2024 after a few years of volunteering at the Climb Against Cancer. As a child, she lost her father to cancer – and has seen many friends and family members battle the disease over the years. She welcomes the opportunity to help support individuals and families through the work of Jen’s Friends. Kim serves as Director of Communications at a statewide nonprofit and has two decades of nonprofit experience in executive and consultant roles. She earned an MBA specializing in International Business from the University of New Hampshire. Kim loves traveling with her family – and also enjoys skiing, reading, CrossFit, and thinking walks. Email Kim